Friday, July 8, 2011

White Trash Karate

While at Target to buy dog food and diapers, Josh spotted a child of probable white trash DNA with a bandana tied around his head karate chopping the air.

"Holy shit, do you see that kid? It's like white trash karate! I don't know what that entails but I imagine it involves dodging beer bottles for training. I bet he is a level 7 in beer bottle dodging and a brown belt in taking cigarette burns on the back of the neck. His dad's mullet didn't help matters either. 'Someday I'll be able to cut my daddy's hair with these karate chops.' He'll just lay that Billy Ray Cyrus mullet out on a board and chop it to the length he wants. I bet he opens a barber shop someday. He'll call it 'Bobby's Macho Karate Hair Cut Dojo and 8-Track Exchange'. Jesus..."

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