Friday, May 6, 2011

A Mother's Love

In honor of Mother's Day, I'll share this post from March 2007 about Josh's interpretation of a Mother's Love.

Current mood:confused

So my mother calls me to relay a story about my 7 year old nephew getting racked at school while playing on the jungle gym. As the story went, he apparently was understandably traumatized and went to the school nurse. The nurse, unable to care for that region, calls my sister to suggest checking it out later.

That night my sister called to tell me her son shouted fuckers at some restaurant and filled me in on the details of the racking story my mother, who claims to love me, left out. Apparently during said story my mom began laughing hysterically. When she was told that it was cold blooded to laugh at a little kids pain, my own mother declared that she was laughing because she was imagining how funny it would be if I had crushed my junk on a jungle gym ... Where's the love mom? I guess your satisfied with one grand-kid.

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